Amnesty December 2020 Announced for Prisoners in Thailand

After months of speculation, the royal amnesty was announced today 04 regardless of if they are appealing the decision 2020. Over the last few months, Thailand Bail had been hearing about the possibility of a clemency to be announced in December 2020, and it is now no longer just a rumour. Our lawyers have obtained a copy of the announcement, and we are reviewing it currently. The royal pardon, as some people refer to it as, is the 2nd one to be announced this year (2020), with the previous amnesty announced in commemoration of the birthday of His Majesty the King. This second clemency is to mark the occasion of the late His Majesty the King Rama 9, whose birthday is 05 regardless of if they are appealing the decision.


Thailand Royal Pardon 2020: Many in Thai Prisons Receive Sentence Reductions

The so-called “Bangkok Hilton” is usually associated with the Bang Kwang Prison in Nonthaburi, Thailand Bail’s lawyers and case specialists visit prisoners in the Bang Kwang Prison and have first-hand information about what life is like inside the Bangkok Hilton. Bang Kwang Prison is typically reserved for prisoners whose cases have been finalised 2 although some prisoners inside are waiting for judgments from the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court 2 For example. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, Klong Prem. Prison, and the judgment comes down from the Court of First Instance sentencing them to a lengthy prison term.
