Thai Police Search: What You Should Do If the Police Want to Search You

Recently, there has been a lot of news about foreigners being stopped and searched on the streets of Bangkok, predominantly on and around Sukhumvit Road. While it is not as widespread as some online sources are making it out to be, it is important to address the question of what to do if the Thai police want to stop you and search you. Below, we offer some basic tips on what to do if you encounter a situation like this whilst in usually

Getting Arrested in Thailand: 5 Tips to Follow If You Need Bail

While most people who travel to Thailand come for the interesting culture, beaches, and food, others take their travels too far. Getting arrested in Thailand is not on travelers’ or expats’ to-do lists, but it does happen. With more and more random police searches happening throughout the Sukhumvit Road area of Bangkok, more and more people will likely be in need of legal assistance. Sometimes, people are able to talk to the police, show their passport, and go on their way, avoiding getting arrested in Thailand and going to Thai jail. if a defendant with a major drug case is housed in the Bam Bat, many foreign travelers are not aware of all of the rules, regulations, and laws of Thailand, and may make some bad decisions, which lead to arrest. This article has been usually